Web Analytics Wednesday Ahmedabad – Courtesy Internet Marketing Journal

Its a pleasure to have Web Analytics Wednesday first time ever in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This event is a hard work of Internet Marketing Journal Team (Jaydip, Dipali and Me). Tell you what, its not easy arranging for knowledgeable speaker, good and affordable venue, arranging for sponsorships and still coping up with current job. Thanks to all the enthusiastic industry friends, seniors and juniors for their support directly or indirectly. Its because of this support we were able to finally make this dream come true. Here are the details of the event:

Do You Want To Know What Google Knows About You?

There were many privacy concerns over the period of Google’s evolution in the last 11 years. People were worried about the amount of data Google have about us and can be used in the most dangerous manner. Especially after the introduction of Google Social Search, it was very clear to users that how much data they can collect.

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Google Social Search – Find your friends’ updates on Google

Google social search which is still in beta can be opted in through Google labs. It is nothing but an amalgamation of updates from your social network status updates in one place. e.g. if you are searching for “New Zealand”, Google social search will show updates, twits and photos of your friends who have had their last vacation in New Zealand.